Alternatives to Alcohol

For many, myself included i saw alcohol as a treat, however escalating beyond treating my body. Here are some alternitive treats that you can look forward to. Become a connoisseur of all things non alcoholic, it can be fun.

Fresh Fruit

If like me you’ve found yourself ‘dieting’ all through the week watching everything you eat and drink until it comes to alcohol why not change things a little during the evening and buy some nice fruits. Try something you’ve never had before, maybe go exotic, buy a dragon fruit. Go on try it.

Bottle Green Cordials

Sparkling Water

Approximately 60%-70% of your body is made up of water. It is the main ingredient of all body fluids, blood including lymph, digestive juices, urine, tears and sweat.

Knowing this, it makes sense to understand that water is involved in almost every bodily function such as, circulation, digestion, absorption

For me should a craving for alcohol start a fast glass of ice cold sparkling water can fill up your belly, rehydrate and help curb those cravings.

Hot Chocolate Drinks

If like me you fancy a treat after running a hot chocolate can be a real reward. There’s so many different flavours available i like the Options Treats range, there is so many to choose from.


Click Here for the full Range

















Again like hot chocolate it can be a treat, i’ve made habit of coming in from where ever i’ve been and popping the kettle on. Any excuse to keep those cravings away. Come home from shopping, put the kettle on, come home from work, put the kettle on, let the cat out, put the kettle on. You get the picture, its about reduction of those cravings. The more (I) you can drink during the day and evening thats not alcoholic the more likely your not going to want to sink a glass of red or a beer. Click the link below and put an order on for some posh tea, go on become a tea connoisseur

Click here and order a proper cup of tea

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